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Consultancy Services

Karplexus offers its extensive expertise to partner with you to deal with the challenges of business changes, in designing, selecting or implementing the most suitable technology solutions in the banking and payments space. 


We take a practitioner’s approach in bringing you sound guidance and a set of pointed services to help you navigate the complex world of modern payments.


Our capability and competence areas address the needs of both End-user organizations as well as Platform service providers

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End User Organizations

Business / Technology Architecture assessments

A sound business and technology architecture forms the basis for establishing competitive advantage and business agility.  Our expertise in this area specializing around Banks and Financial services businesses, can help you get the optimal technology base and business / operations models. We assist you in weighing the right alternatives and making the right choices, and these could have a big impact to your success.

Tech transformation / Modernization

The speed of change today is mind-boggling, and this change is being driven by regulatory, environmental and competitive factors. Investing in establishing a future-ready technology base is critical for success for any established institution. Looking beyond the obvious and applying practical experience in technology modernization strategies, we can make a real difference to your plans for long-term success.

Vendor Evaluation

Our extensive experience across a gamut of functional and application areas can help you distil complex vendor selection exercises to a simpler, well thought-through process that can speed up decision making. Leaning on our practical knowledge and wide industry experience, we help you cut to the chase and focus on what matters in seemingly complex vendor selection runs.

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Platform Advisory Services

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Future Architecture:
Roadmap for Growth

We help vet / refine your business and technology architecture, focusing on the things that really matter - longevity and future-proofing, scalability and performance, data and insights and cost and efficiency. Our keen eye can help avoid common gotchas and solidify your business and technology architectures.

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Business / Commercial Model advisory

The risks of a sub-optimal business model are non-trivial and the right business model can dramatically influence your path to success. We can consultatively help you focus on getting the right elements into your business and commercial structures.


Partnerships & alliances

Establish the right tools in planning your growth is paramount. Our wide network across Asia Pacific can help you get the right set of partnerships and alliances to complement your strengths and services capabilities. 

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